"A" Grade, NAAC Accredited,Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956,Kurukshetra University,Kurukshetra has announced the Result of B.Com-2nd year and B.A.2nd year Exam today.The Examination was held in October 2011.According to Spokesman of the University results are as under.Results can be seen on the website.The University has also issued some code words about these result.According to website result of each candidate is/are shown in the ‘Result’ column. Marks shown in the result column means ‘Pass.‘C’ stands for Compartment and ‘RLA’ means Result later for non-receipt of awards from the Examiner or discrepancy therein.‘RL(UMC)’ mean Result later for use of Unfair Means.‘RPFD’ stands for Result provisional fee defaulter.‘CC’ mean Result is cancelled due to non-receipt of Lower Exam Result/Documents.‘RPR’ shows Result provisional due to final checking of eligibility/wants of Registration. No.‘RL(D)’ shows Result later due to any discrepancy in marks or any other dispute can be.‘RP ’shows Result Provisional.‘Pass Prov.’ shows Pass provisional and it depend upon subject to passing the lower examination.‘ML’shows Pass but Marks Later. Original DMCs of lower classes are required.To see your BA-2nd year result click here-http://kuk.ac.in/userfiles/file/Year2012/LeftSideLinks/ResultDetails/BA%20II.pdf
To see your B.Com-2nd year result click here-http://kuk.ac.in/userfiles/file/Year2012/LeftSideLinks/ResultDetails/BCOM%20II.pdf
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