Ph.D Entrance Test Schedule and Syllabus
Ø Ph.D Entrance Test Schedule:
o Date of Entrance Test:
§ Main Subject: 20th November, 2011
§ Allied Subject: 27th November, 2011
Ø Venue: University School of Management Kurukshetra University , Kurukshetra.
Ø Syllabus:
There will be two papers
Objective type: 50 Marks
This paper will consist of 50 objective type questions of 1 mark each related to basics of the prescribed syllabus for Ph.D. Entrance Test (Management). Time allotted for this paper will be 1 hour (11.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon).
Subjective Paper: 100 Marks
This paper will consist of 12 subjective questions. The candidates will be required to attempt any 8 questions. Each question shall carry equal marks. Time allotted for the second paper will be 2 hours (02.00 P.M. to 04.00 P.M.).
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