Ch. Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University invites applications on plain papers from CCSHAU non-teaching ministerial retired employees, who are being 63 years of age and who passed the Higher Standard Departmental Examination during the University service, on last pay drown minus pension as per rules (Pension + Pension equivalent of gratuity) but not exceeding Rs. 15000 per month and who have nt passed Higher Standard Departmental Examination on a consolidated salary of Rs. 12000/- or on the last pay drawn minus pension as per rules (Pension + Pension equivalent of gratuity) but not exceeding Rs. 12000 per month.
Such applicant can apply within a week fro the date of publication (Publication date: 14.03.2012) of notice for considering them for re-employment against vacant posts of Clerks/Steno-typists for a period of one year or till the post is filled up on regular basis, whichever is earlier, on the usual terms & conditions.
The selected re-employed person will have to execute contract agreement with the CCSHAU, Hisar
Note : Candidate can get any other information or Jobs Openings, Results, Education, News, Admissions, Date Sheet etc. directly in his/her inbox by subscribing his/her e-mail id in the form give below.
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