The Haryana Industrial Training Directorate has decided to organise the 48th state-level skill competition at the government Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Bhiwani, from October 21 to October 25. A spokesman of the department said a committee under the chairmanship of JS Nain, Deputy Director (Headquarters), had been constituted to conduct this competition. Pardeep Dahiya, Principal, ITI, Sonepat, would be its member and GC Bansal, Principal, ITI(W), Ambala City, would be its member-secretary. He said all principals and instructors of the government ITIs and the private ITIs had been asked to ensure that all students who got first position in the final trade test held in July 2011 should take part in this competition. The students taking part in this competition would be given to-and-fro fare and the student getting the first position in this competition would be sent to take part in the all-India skill competition.
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