
New Seniority List of School Lecturer in Haryana

Govt.of Haryana

School Education Department,Haryana

New Seniority List of School Lecturer in Haryana according to 01.10.2011

Whereas a tentative seniority list of School Lecturers was prepared as on 01.04.2005. Thereafter, in view of Hon'ble High Court directions in CWP No. 5575 of 2009 titled as Man Singh Vs. State of Haryana & others, a tentative seniority list was prepared as on 01.12.2009 on the following criteria.That those selected through HPSC or HSSC or Departmental Selection Committees have been assigned seniority from the date of recommendations made by these bodies.That the inter-se merit of direct recruitees as fixed by the HPSC or HSSC or Departmental Selection Committees has been kept as such.That if there are more than one selection lists of direct recruitees on the same date, the inter-se merit of candidates recommended on the same ranks in such lists has been decided on the basis of age on the date of recommendation older placed higher in seniority.That the seniority of those lecturers who were initially appointed on adhoc basis and were subsequently regularized has been fixed on the basis of their regularization.

That if more than one Lecturer has been regularized on the same date, the date of joining on adhoc basis has been kept in view for fixing their inter-se seniority.That if more than one Lecturer as mentioned in para 5 above has joined on the same date on adhoc basis, the Lecturer who is older in age has been placed higher in seniority.

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